Serenity Nursing Services also provides Non-Medical Home Care Services. Our caregivers are trained and bonded, with an extensive background in caring for individuals in need of assistance with activities of daily living. Our team of professionals will assist you in the process of finding the right solution for your in-home needs.
There are many variables when it comes to deciding what type of care is appropriate for your loved one. We offer assistance to:
- Clients after discharge from the hospital;
- Aging persons who need extra assistance around the house; and
- Individuals who need companionship or respite/relief services.
It could be that you simply want to remain in your current home and need some support to do so. Our employees are here to give optimum assistance with the following:
- Personal Care
- Respite Care
- Veterans Aid (VA)
- In-Home Care for Adults
- In Home Care for Children
- Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT)
- Community Alternatives Program (CAP) for Adults
- Community Alternatives Program (CAP) for Children
- Sitting Services for Hospitals and Nursing Homes
( We accept Medicaid )
Get in Touch
Should you have any questions or concerns, as well as suggestions and feedback, please do not hesitate to leave us a message at a time of your convenience.